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Sunday, August 10, 2008

web development

As with the growth of industries it was necessary to distribute the information regionally and world wide. So common platform required over which we can deploy common application from which data and application usage can be distributed. web development term is related to development of web site over World Wide Web. Web development is very vast field. This can include ecommerce business development, portal development, shopping cart development etc. Web development is pertaining to non design aspect of the web sites. Web development is of two types (i) static web page development and (ii) dynamic web page development. Day by day web development industry is going to be grow by 20 % by 2010. Big corporate giants plunged in to this business to sell their products and services to their customers to automate their business work flow. Reduced cost of web development and hosting has played tremendous role in growth of web development industry. Large companies offer contract for web development to smaller companies. There are various web development tools available to aid the development. E.g. LAMP architecture (Linux, apache, mysql, php) and Microsoft .Net development. LAMP is distributed free of charge. It has inspired many people to set up new web sites. It has fuelled up continuous growth of web development. Html is basic web page formatting language for web development. Next generation web development technologies use LAMP and Microsoft .net technologies. Data base driven and ecommerce based web sites requires use of web technologies like LAMP for Microsoft .Net technology. So many enterprises are going to be web based. They can be defined as portal. Such portals are known as social networking portal. People find and get together through online dating and matrimonial portals. Today each and every human is going to popularize his online identity though web. There are different ways to promote yourself over internet. You can create your own blog, article, press release etc. Major reasons why people creating web sites or portals: 6. Personal Identity 7. Company Identity 8. To grow domestic business world wide 9. To sell products and services 10. To made easy communication with people world wide Like above, there are other many reasons to create web sites and portals. Yes!!! but the truth is that today website is must for each and every small and large business companies. Websites today become the corporate identity for every business. Toady your business is not a business without a website.

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