Make Money

Saturday, August 2, 2008

No Online Affiliate Program Will Run All By Itself!

We hear so much nowadays about home based internet marketing businesses that are "self-automated"to run on their own. These businesses sound exciting because the first thing we think about is how our business will produce high profits for us as we are sitting on the beach in the Bahamas. How great this would be... if it were only true. Although there are some businesses that do have more automated features built in, these businesses cannot produce online income for you without some intervention on your part. To be totally blunt, you will not make money online if you do not actively market yourself or your program on the internet. We hear so much about the failure rates in internet marketing. We also hear so much about internet scams or the latest scam designed to take your money and run with it. Although there are a lot of scams on the internet that we have to beware of, many of the programs advertised to make money are truly legitimate. The problem here, however, is that we are led to believe that we do not have to do very much to actually profit and make money from these programs. Even if a program does have built in features which help the program sell itself,you as a home based business owner will have to market the program to get people to see it! If the program that you are currently involved in says that it will market your program for you, you may have to pay a pretty penny for this. This could mean that you would need to shell out hundreds, even thousands per month in an advertising cooperative. I would not do this at all... you are almost guaranteed to lose your money in these situations. I do know some people who have lost their shirts in advertising cooperatives. In conclusion, we all must come to the realization that we will get out what we put in to our home based business, internet marketing business, or business franchise. I would say that this is especially true if you are an internet newbie and have just started or are looking to start a home based business. We must work hard on a daily basis to let people know about us and the products and services we have to offer. If we do not, success will not even be close to our fingertips. Michelle Tukachinsky

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