Make Money

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kingdom Finances for Kingdom Building - Review

Kingdom Finances for Kingdom building was birthed in Royal Life International Ministries in 2005. It began as a seven-week financial empowerment course, as a result of the people of God crying out for help with their finances. It is funny how God will use the very thing that you struggle with and turn it around to bless you. The author (manuscript and one day she plans to publish this as a book) shares it was if God was warning her, "The days of Joseph shall come again. There will be seven years of prosperity, which is the season to save and store up for the seven years of famine." The most amazing story the author (native born in Tennessee) have to share is when her local church paid off a three million dollar ($3,000,000) mortgage in three years. When she first began to establish a relationship with Jesus; there were things in her life that she knew she could no longer hold onto, like cursing. She asked the Lord to give her a scripture that dealt with cursing. Well, she opened her Bible and it fell on Chapter 3, "Taming the Tongue." She was amazed because God had answered her prayer. The Lord quickly reminded her of a song she love on the Shekinah Glory Live CD by Kingdom Valley Ministries. She shares by the way if you are a fan of worship music, and want to go to the next dimension of God, this would be the CD to get. She began to pay tithes and she saw God do some crazy, unattainable things with her finances. She always live beyond what she make. She shares "Kingdom economy does not work like the world's economy." The world tells you two plus two equals four, but the Kingdom might say two plus two equals a hundredfold or a thousand. What works for someone else might not work for you. God may have told them to clean out the closet to get a promotion, but HE might tell you rack the yard. She was watching Bishop Eddie Long on TV. During the service a young lady laid her credit cards at the altar. Bishop Long, asked, "Who laid the cards at the altar?" When the girl came forth, He paid the entire balance to get her out of debt. Many people were freed from debt because Bishop followed the Spirit and because others, who could help, sowed to release others into financial freedom. The author was the saver and her brother was the spender. Whatever he wanted, he bought it. When he didn't have enough money, he would borrow it or find some other means to getting what he wanted. He would talk her into helping him. If she would have had a financial vision, she would be telling a different story. Write the Vision (Hab. 2:2-4) One thing she knows when her Pastor gets a vision in his heart, nothing can stop him from fulfilling it. On Friday, March 31, 2006 the vision was fulfilled. The Antioch location was paid in full. And they celebrated. This experience changed her life in a way that is immeasurable because it changed her perception and thinking about her financial situation. She said to herself, "If her church can pay a three million dollar debt in three years, then she can pay off her debt too. She asked the Lord to help her with her finances. She had about fourteen thousand dollars ($14,000) in student loan debt and six thousand dollars ($6,000) in credit card debt. She started with the student loan debt because two of the loans were in her mother's name and the other two loans in her name. When she feels discouraged about not having the funds-money she wants, her motto is Philippians 4:19. God gives us blessings according to our ability to handle them. When we look at Matthew 25:15, we see after the man left, the one with five talents knew exactly what to do with the talets he had been given. The amazing thing about the servant with the two talents is he did not complain about receiving two talents. God is no respector of persons, what HE does for one, HE will do for another. They both reaped the same reward by following the principles of God and doing what they knew how to do. Your relationship with Jesus Christ is very important. It is through HIS Word, praying, communion and just plain talking to HIM that you will come to know what HE likes and dislikes. Don't Block Your Blessings .... Malachi 3:10 Would you want to be in a relationship where the person does not ever put you first, but the focus is always about them? She says the answer is "No." Then why do we do God this way? God's Word tells us if you want to know where a man's heart is, look and see where he puts his treasure. His treasure is his money. The Lord tells us, "HE will bless us in all the work of our hands that we do when we take care of HIS servants and people (Deuteronomy 14:29). You Reap What You Sow .... Haggai 1:5-6 One of the most miraculous time of worship in the church has become one of the most depressing times in the church, offering time. Why? Because we are in financial bondage. The Ant Mentality ... Proverbs 6:8 Who would have thought a little old ant could teach us a financial lesson about storing up provision in the summer to gather food at harvest? She shares she don't care if you only have two extra dollars, use it to get out of debt and find a way to save something. She shares she has seen God do things with her finances that she had never seen before. What is impossible with men is possible with God. Work the vision because faith without works is dead. If God has told you to give something, and the leaders do something crazy with the money, they will be accountable to God. HE will handle them. You just do what you are commanded to do. One thing the author wants to make clear is we do not do anything for the Lord to reap HIS blessings. She shares she have honestly seen God's miraculous work in her finances. It seemed like water turned into wine. Based upon the author's budget, she will officially become debt free February 2008, and she praise the Lord in advance. Call unto HIM for HE will tell you great and mighty things that you do not know, but you have to trust HIM, believe HIM and rest in HIM. Isaiah 59:19 says, "When the enemy rises up against you, like a flood God will lift up a standard against him, "Like a flood, God gave the author a determination to get this manuscript - book done. It was by any means necessary, whether it meant she had to write it by hand, or go out and buy another computer in the midst of trying to get out of debt. Kellie Morgan of Tennessee is the author of this manuscript which she plans to publish as a book. She attends church with one of my cousins, Sharon. (My cousin and me as little girls use to play together and her grandmother and my grandmother were sisters which are both are deceased) Angela Watkins, , Book Reviewer, Public Relations, Mgmt, Consulting, Christian Life Coach - Biblical Coaching

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