Make Money

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Is Delegation Of Responsibility Important In Our Internet Marketing Affiliate Program?

Do you feel burnt out as you work from home in your efforts to make money online? If you do, I can understand why. If you are selling a wealth program or a direct sales program you will most likely need to talk to someone on the phone. Actually, you will most likely need to talk to many people on the phone. As we know this is all a numbers game, and the more people we speak to, the greater the chance for success.There is one problem with this, however that I would like to discuss.How can we possibly talk to many people on the phone in a given day and actually market our program as well? The answer is .. that we cannot. Internet marketing is what it is. Internet marketing is a full time job and a job that requires tremendous effort, thought, and planning. It also requires a well thought out strategy which is extremely time consuming to say the least. As a part time piano teacher and part time internet coach and mentor for newbies, I know that I cannot possibly sell and market my programs at the same time. Plain and simple.. there is just not enough time in the day to do both. This is where delegation of responsibility comes into play. An example of this would be to hire someone to do your craigslist posting. You can find a reputable outsourcing company or find and hire someone from the local area. Another area of delegation is in the area of sales. If you give a sales account executive a nice commissions, and treat him or her well, you will not have to spent 16 hours of your waking hours working in your online home based internet marketing business. In my opinion, this is one of the most important aspects of delegation as it has worked quite well for me. Delegation is the key to running a successful online internet business and maintain your sanity at the same time. Work from home should be a freeing, liberation, empowering experience... not a prison. Michelle Tukachinsky

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