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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Black Man, How do I tell you?

BLACK MAN, How do I tell you? Black Man, how can I tell you, what words do I use...? to say, my heart fills with pride to see you stand tall with your child - by your side. Manly and strong, You’re strong enough to be sensitive, to get along, with an upstart child or an upset mother. What’s special is you hold tight, you don’t walk away - This is YOUR Child; so you bother to give, to learn, to live more and more fully each day. While Black with a powerful history at your feet, while male with a presence and legacy too prevalent to be discreet, your individual soul is made manifest as you nurture God’s majesty into this new being you now represent. So I applaud you, Black Man, not to praise the non negative things you do for that is your minimal role anyway, but for the positive, life-enhancing actions you take to show our sons, our daughters that pride, dignity, responsibility and respect have always been our way! For teaching, caretaking and OUTRIGHT LOVING is the mark of a people heralded throughout the ages as that righteous group, that’s first to start, build anew, yet need not Conquer another day; but rather exists as a testament that the Universal God IS present in man, human-kind, as a beacon of light- to lead, to create, to hold fast to ALL that is Right! Black Man, Father of All. Black Man, now father to one, to many, or even to none because you guide, you advise, you listen, you participate, you activate, you stimulate because you are on a mission! I pay homage to you. I show my respect here and now for you. As I honor you for all THAT you do. And I silently pray to God to thank him for you and ask that through his everlasting grace that he may forever SUSTAIN YOU! BLACK MAN! Jo Anna Bella, Poet at Heart, Written 6/13/97. Copyright by Jo Anna Bella 1997

About Indian wholesale sculpture, statue, handicraft and home decor items

India is a place of different kinds of handicraft and handcrafted statues and sculptures from the ancient age. Centuries old temples and civilizations are founded in India with a unique sample of handicraft reflecting artistic beauty. Specially the temples in South India bears this great old history of Indian handicraft, as you can see different types of hand curving statues and sculptures in the wall of these temples. All these old temples especially in china, karalla, harridan attracts the people through the beauty of statues and figures made on the wall. For example dancing lady which is normally known as "Nartaki", "Nataraj","Laxmi","Ganesh or ganesha","Shiva and parbati", Shri Krishna and Radha Ji", "Goutam Buddha" are as religious god statues. Different animal figures are also made, like running horse, lion, tiger etc. The centuries old temples and other historic items prove the capacity of the artisans about making statues and sculptures for home decoration and expressing the social life story of that time. In the old ages the King's made those temples and different handicraft in their kingdom. They inspire the artists to make such stone curving items on the body of temple. They mainly make the statues based on the holy story from Hindu community. A great example is Nataraj. Nataraj is a style of God Shiva. Shiva as destructor as well as creator of the civilization.We inspired from this old culture to make the statues and sculptures as home decoration items. We also just follow the styles of those kings life style. They make statues for home and garden decor; even on those days the people make decoration on the wall of there home. Mainly stone is used on that time to make home, temple everything. So what they do is, they make different statue, sculpture of different god and goddess of Hindu religion on the wall by curving the stone. So we also make this handcrafted statues and sculptures in brass, bronze and stone. Actually "Art" refers to a huge range of human activity. It is a way or medium to express the emotion, nature and lifestyle.We can say that art exist from the first day of human civilization starts. The concept of home decoration through statue and sculptures is also a long days story. We can see the samples of different hand crafted statues, wall decoration in centuries old civilization like Nalanda, Mahenzodaro and Harappa. On that time people use the stonewall of their home and temples to make different decorative statues. The use of Brass and bronze is also a long history. The historians find a lot useful story and proof from this wall decoration. This artistic works is also represents the culture of those peoples. So, finally what we can say that, the history of handicraft in India is very long. Even one greater sample of handicraft is Taj mahal itself. Today it is considered as the best wonders all over the world. So we can easily say that Indian handicraft has a long golden story from the centuries. India is a place of wholesale handicraft, ladies handbags, fashion jewelry and bedaed Jewelry. Different manufacturers and suppliers are engaged in todays fashion requirements as well as all old tradition's in handicraft items and introduce these cultural home improvement items and fashions to rest of the world.Wholesale fashion jewelry, ladies fashion Handbags, statues, sculptures, wall hangings, different home and garden decor items made of brass, bronze and stone by taking inspirations from India's centuries-old traditions. The dancing lady, God Shiva in Nataraj style, Buddha statue are some of the examples which we took from our ancient Indian history. The western style handicrafts fulfill the new millennium requirement. So the customers can get the most antique look collectibles as well as the modern sculpture range. Different kinds of Statue, sculptures, wall hangings, and chandeliers are mainly used for home, garden and office decoration. Material used for these handicraft items are mainly brass, bronze and stone and sometimes in antique look also. Starting from different religious statues like Goddess Laxmi, Shri Krishna, Buddha we have a lot of Indian and western style statue and sculptures. Like soldier statue, different animal figure, western and Indian lady figure, abstract figures, different sculptures in western style. So customers can get a complete solution in art and craft items, to fulfill there need of getting unique antique and collectibles for office and home interior decoration. Originating from India, our products do travel across the middle and upper class fashion concern peoples, fashion boutiques, retail and wholesale outlets of all the fashion conscious markets in the entire World. The collection features over enormous styles of great pieces of wholesale statues. The intricacy and exclusivity of our designer collections are highlighted by the classy expressions of each statue and sculpture. Alluring the elite class, every statue and sculpture of ours is made out of the best materials and finishing. Highlighting the Indian traditions and the richness of cultural ethnicity, we want to introduce these items to all over the world. Visit us at - or visit the Wholesale brass statue and brass sculptures collection

To Keep a Greeting Card or Not

Summary: Everyone enjoys receiving greeting cards. We get a feeling of importance when we receive a card. We must decide if the card we received is worth keeping. We get negative feelings when we decide to throw the card away. They just end up in a landfill. Using a recycling method extends life to greeting cards, gives the feeling of importance to multiple card recipients and eliminates negative feelings associated with discarding greeting cards. Just about everyone enjoys receiving a greeting card. Nearly, 9 out of 10 Americans say they look forward to receiving cards. Exchanging greeting cards is one of the most widely accepted ways of expressing how important someone is to us. As a matter of fact, in the US consumers purchase and exchange 7 billion greeting cards each year. That’s an average of 30 greeting card purchases per household. When I receive a greeting card I feel important because I know someone is thinking of me. I usually hold on to the card for a few days and display it so I may look at it. Then I have to make the decision whether to discard or keep the card. Like many of us who have limited storage space, I have to be selective about what I keep. Unfortunately, most times I find myself throwing out the greeting card. I usually have negative feelings about having to do this. The thoughtful card sender spent time looking for the right card, and many times the card is very attractive and I hate to just throw it out. An average person receives 20 greeting cards per year and I bet many have similar feelings about discarding attractive greeting cards. Last Christmas was an excellent year for receiving Christmas cards. It seems that the Hallmark cards and American Greeting cards get more elegant each year, and this year I had a bunch of them. At the end of the season I took them all down from the display and looked at them one more time. With an achy heart I placed them in the trash can and thought about how many landfills are lined with a thick layer of discarded cards from thoughtful family and friends. Virtually all of them were in excellent condition other than the added writing from the sender. Well, something inside me clicked and I got to thinking. Shouldn’t someone who is important to me receive a greeting card, then be able to resend the card to someone else who is important to them? Making greeting cards reusable turns greeting card recipients into greeting card senders. The same card that gave them the feeling of importance can be passed on to the next recipient. This is especially true around a busy time like Christmas. Some of the cards I received this year would be reusable when I send them out next year. Recycling eliminates the negative feelings associated with discarding greeting cards. If you knew the card would be reused wouldn’t you be willing to spend a little more for the best card you could find. Rather than saving money on lower end cards your greeting card recipient would be impressed by your spending a little extra money on them. They would have great admiration of you and be appreciative of being able to extend the life of their greeting card. Now, what if your entire family or circle of friends agrees to exchange greeting cards in this reusable manor? You will have started a money saving, environmentally friendly tradition. You, your family and friends will eliminate those negative feelings associated with throwing out cards and create a common bond through participation in this new tradition. I personally know a family who passes a gag birthday gift with an attached card around to each family member as their birthday comes up. Talk about a reusable gift and card. There are many ways that we keep in touch with our family and friends, such as e-mail, text messaging and phone calls. But the majority of people in the US say that they prefer receiving a greeting card because it makes them feel special. Reference: The Greeting Card Organization / greeting card facts Hallmark cards American Greeting cards greeting cards Christmas greeting cards recycling landfill Rob Tworek is a webmaster and entrepreneur who provides enjoyable solutions for money saving and environmentally friendly minded people!!

A Perfectly Personalized Gift for Grandparents?

“What kind of gift can I give to my Grandpa or Grandma?” This is a question every generation has struggled with every time another Christmas or birthday rolls around. Sometimes a simple card can suffice, but what if you want to give something really special? When new towels simply don’t say “I love you” the way you want to say it? Well you don’t have to worry about that any more – I’m about to tell you how to give them a gift that they will remember and actively enjoy for years to come. What are two things all grandparents value? Enjoying time with their loved ones, and memories of their loved ones. Great! So how can we turn this into a gift they will love? Nearly everyone these days has a digital camera, or access to one. It’s a mysterious phenomenon, but upon getting their first digital camera, most people I know have turned into semi-paparazzi. I still haven’t quite figured this out, but it’s the truth. This means that those people have absolutely tons of digital pictures lying around on their computers, and chances are, you’re one of them! Next question: how many of these photos have you shown to your grandparents? Probably none. How many would they love to see? To be fair, I’m sure not all of them (and I’m sure you don’t want them to see them all either!) but I bet you there are quite a few they would like to see, and see often. So what is this grand solution I keep on side-stepping? A digital picture frame, of course! The key to this gift, to make it truly personalized and unique, is to pre-load the digital picture frame with special pictures before you give it to them. That way, when they receive the gift, there is no hassle of setup; all they need to do is plug it in and turn it on. Nothing could be easier, and before you know it they have a slideshow of potentially hundreds of great pictures of family and friends that they are bound to enjoy every day. Okay, so what are the key features you want to look for if you’re buying a digital picture frame for your grandparents? Here are five tips to consider, and why each is important. 1. Get a large frame. Older people often have more difficulty seeing, and the larger the digital picture frame is, the easier they will see it. Resolution doesn’t matter as much here, you’re just going for size. Size often determines price, but don’t cheap out on this. It’s worth it. 2. Don’t get a widescreen frame. More than 99% of people take their pictures in a non-widescreen aspect ratio; if you get a widescreen frame you’re wasting screen space while at the same time making the picture smaller. See tip number 1. 3. Get a frame with the ability to play movies, with sound. The sense of sound triggers memories in a different way than pictures will by themselves, and help make the experience more memorable. 4. Get one with good internal memory (at least 128MB), or a memory card that is the same style as your own camera. This way you can put a decent number of pictures on there at a time. If the memory card is the same as your own, you can easily update their frame with pictures from your camera, without the hassle of cables or device compatibility. 5. Get a wireless digital frame. This one is optional, depending on your budget. But let me tell you the benefits. If you live far away from your grandparents, and don’t see them very often, it may be difficult to update the frame for them. Perhaps they will be comfortable enough with the technology to do it themselves (it is pretty easy, after all), but chances are they would prefer if you did it for them. Wireless frames allow you to update their contents directly through the internet. This means that even if you’re hundreds of miles away, you can still send Grandpa and Grandma an updated slideshow! Hopefully I’ve solved your dilemma for you, but if you’re still unsure of how this can work for you, has tons of digital picture frame tips and ideas for how to make this work. This year, give your grandparents a gift they’re sure to remember! Don't even think of buying a digital picture frame until you've read DigitalFrameGuy's free Buyer's Guide to Digital Picture Frames!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Roots of John Fogerty

In a way, Creedence Clearwater Revival was lucky. Based in the terminally unhip East Bay suburb of El Cerrito, looking to classic rock & roll and the Beatles for inspiration in their early incarnation as the Golliwogs instead of the folk-rock which powered the San Francisco scene's big-name bands, they were shunned by the psychedelic ballrooms and had lots of time to refine a sound that was completely their own. The result was a run of nine Top Ten singles (and one, "Suzie Q," which peaked at number 11) of a directness and simplicity that the other bands missed. For this, they were derided by the hipoisie, who seem to have forgotten that popular music was supposed to be, um, popular. Certainly their songwriting powerhouse, John Fogerty, didn't mind at all. He was too busy crafting powerful songs that the country reacted to immediately, honing songwriting, singing, and guitar skills that turned Creedence into one of America's top bands. After they broke up, Fogerty continued to pursue his vision, adding a dash of country music which only broadened his appeal, although legal issues and changing tastes meant that his sales might not have reflected his mastery as they once might have. Creedence's songs played on a mythology which had already been set in place by the performers whose music they covered and whose legacy they extended. Proud Mary steamed up the Mississippi River, Fogerty sang about being born on the bayou (which he clearly wasn't), and characterized the band as Willie and the Poor Boys, just pickin' and grinnin' for spare change. This made the band something of a pop Rorschach test, in which listeners saw an image far more democratic and working-class than the band actually was. The deceptive simplicity of Creedence's music, too, was in stark contrast to the increasingly virtuosic-for-its-own-sake music coming from across San Francisco Bay, and the flannel-shirted, jeans-wearing image the band projected in photos and on stage was the opposite of the rock star poses adopted by so many of their contemporaries. This democratic impulse has made Creedence's and Fogerty's work survive without seeming dated. Deeply informed by what came before, imbued with the values of directness and simplicity, it has served to influence countless similarly-minded performers who came afterwards. In short -- and without having anything to do with the marketing term -- it's classic rock. Rock Classics Volume I Artist: Various Artists Release Date: 2007 Creedence blasted onto the scene with a lengthy meditation on Dale Hawkins's biggest hit, "Suzie Q," which had featured a guitar part by James Burton, one of the great unsung string-benders of his era. Hawkins had an eye for great guitarists -- later, he often used Roy Buchanan -- but he never had a hit as big as this one. He moved to Dallas and got into production work, with credits including Bruce Channel's "Hey, Baby," whose harmonica part, by Delbert McClinton, inspired the Beatles to use one on "Love Me Do." He produced the Top Ten hit "Western Union" by local band the Five Americans, and in 1970, became a consultant for Houston-based International Artists, dealing with the 13th Floor Elevators. The persistence of Creedence's "Suzie Q" as an FM radio staple revived his performing career, and he continues to perform occasionally to delighted audiences. Spellbound Artist: Screamin' Jay Hawkins Release Date: 2006 If blues singer Jay Hawkins hadn't gotten incredibly drunk while trying to record a song he didn't particularly like, would he have become the icon he became? Hawkins always maintained that he didn't even remember the take that resulted in his notorious 1956 underground hit "I Put a Spell on You," which, although it never made the charts, was one of those records teenagers passed around, marvelling at his grunts, snorts, bellows, wails and shrieks, as he stumbled his way through a song that was pretty inherently spooky to begin with. Creedence re-introduced it into the rock repertoire as the opening track on their debut album, and it's stayed there ever since. As for Screamin' Jay, he embraced the record, making it the centerpiece of a live act that saw him carried onstage in a coffin, brandishing a flaming skull, and wearing outrageous clothing while he sang such memorable numbers as "Constipation Blues," which became a major hit in Japan. The Essential Collection Artist: Tommy McLain Release Date: 1997 Nobody in Creedence was, in fact, born on the bayou, not even one of the bayous on the Sacramento River, but there was a rich body of rock music that was. Louisiana and east Texas was the touring ground of swamp pop show bands like the Boogie Kings and Randy and the Rockets. Covering soul and country hits of the moment, driven by crackerjack horn sections, and fronted by versatile vocalists, most of these bands were doomed to local obscurity until various British fans rediscovered them in the 1980s. Among the vocalists were such greats as Rod Bernard and Johnnie Allen, but possibly the greatest was pint-sized Tommy McLain, whose version of Don Gibson's "Sweet Dreams" cracked the national charts in 1969, and whose impossibly pure high voice was -- and is -- an incredible expressive instrument, and his backup recording bands had some of the best veterans of the swamp pop circuit. Listen to him and you'll hear a possible source for John Fogerty's singing style. The Complete Sun Singles Artist: Carl Perkins Release Date: 2000 Carl Perkins influenced Creedence because Carl Perkins was one of any true rocker's influences. Someone who could write a song about something as silly as blue suede shoes and then play it with such passion that it never occurred to you that his life didn't depend on them was clearly on the right track. His background, too, was perfect: born to dirt-poor Southerners who worked the fields next to their black neighbors, Carl absorbed the country music and blues around him and forged it into a style that was so tight that there was a week when he had the top record on the pop, country, and rhythm and blues charts -- "Blue Suede Shoes," in fact. Even more germane to the Creedence/Fogerty connection was his guitar style, in which country and blues elements came together in absolute simplicity, but thrilling originality. Although it's not as simple as it might seem: just ask the Beatles, who really had to work at coming close when they covered his stuff. Arthur Artist: Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup Release Date: 1994 Once again, anyone who plays rock & roll owes something to this Mississippian who began playing the blues when he landed in Chicago in the late 1930s. Elvis Presley's total reworking of his "It's All Right, Mama" was the start of the King's career (and caused a grateful Elvis to pay for an RCA Records session for Crudup after he became a star), but several other of Crudup's songs also found their way into the rock repertoire, including "My Baby Left Me," which showed up on Creedence's album Cosmo's Factory. Crudup, in common with many artists on RCA's "race" subsidiary Bluebird, overrecorded like crazy in the 1930s, but he was a popular performer in Chicago clubs, playing to transplanted Southerners like himself, and as blues styles in the Windy City changed, he moved back home, where he was a successful bootlegger by the time Elvis brought his name back into public recognition. He died in 1974, having seen his career revived by a younger generation. Absolutely The Best Artist: Lead Belly Release Date: 2000 Huddie "Lead Belly" Ledbetter was also a powerful influence on rock & roll, but he entered through a different door from most blues singers, having been part of the first American folk revival of the late 1940s, and contributed the first big urban folk hit, "Good Night, Irene," to the Weavers. The story of his discovery by folklorist Alan Lomax, his subsequent release from prison, and his adoption by the folkies around the left-wing scene which also included Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie is well-known, and this led to his making dozens of records of his music, most of which, it must be said, isn't really classic blues. Creedence included two of his best-known songs, "Midnight Special" and "Cotton Fields," on their Willie and the Poor Boys album, and made them their own, which is unsurprising because Creedence, although they recorded the occasional blues song, were more interested in the song part of that term than the blues part. The Best Of Booker T. And The M.G.'s Artist: Booker T. And The M.G.'s Release Date: 1994 John Fogerty was once asked, who was the best rock & roll band in the world? "Booker T and the MGs," he replied, without hesitation. Superficially, you won't hear much of the Memphis quartet's music in Creedence or Fogerty's later solo work; their contribution is subtle. What you hear when you listen to one of their little masterpieces, tossed-off jams on the surface but with surprising depth, is a four-piece machine in perfect working order. It's almost the platonic ideal of how to take four great players and make a single sound, something that Creedence did, at least in the beginning. Sure, there are solos -- Steve Cropper's guitar in particular -- and sure, Booker T's organ leads the way with the melody, but it's obvious they're listening to each other all the time and the exuberance and joy of it all comes shining through. Burnin' Artist: John Lee Hooker Release Date: 1962 Mr. Hooker proposes "boogie." Messrs. Fogerty and company propose "chooglin'." Is there a difference, class? Discuss, and show your work. There's no doubt that the rhythmic, but harmonically static, work of John Lee Hooker played a major role in shaping the jam culture that 1960s rock music gave to the world. Starting with "Boogie, Chillen" in 1949, Hooker's deceptively primitive-sounding blues, mostly just his voice and his guitar, was popular with a significant sector of the blues audience, as if it was a stern warning against getting too fancy. In the late 1960s, when American guitar bands rediscovered the blues, Hooker's blueprint was one of the main ones they used for their extended workouts, and Creedence was no exception, since they served up several Hooker covers on their early albums. As always, they weren't straight copies of the original, and the Stu Cook-Doug Clifford rhythm section came up with the rhythm they called "chooglin'," which became one of their trademarks. The Essential Little Richard Artist: Little Richard Release Date: 1958 As with Carl Perkins, any rocker who doesn't claim Richard Penniman as an ancestor is lying. He pioneered things that people today take for granted: wild onstage behavior, ambiguous sexuality, a driving beat, insane shrieking vocal tics, goofy lyrics. On his records, Earl Palmer took just enough swing out of standard blues beats to invent rock & roll drumming. The Beatles covered his stuff, and, of course, so did Creedence, recording "Good Golly, Miss Molly" on Bayou Country. Hard as it may be to believe now, by 1969, when that album came out, Richard had slipped into the shadows (although some knew Jimi Hendrix had toured as his guitarist), but this was as much due to his having spent time in the ministry and renouncing rock & roll -- if only for a short while -- as anything. His obscurity didn't last long, and as of 2007, he was still going strong, showing up in films, on television, and occasional live shows, reminding the youngsters how it's done. The Best Of Hank Williams Artist: Hank Williams Release Date: 2002 After Creedence broke up, John Fogerty turned up the "country" knob, first with his one-man bluegrass band, the Blue Ridge Rangers, and later in his solo albums. (It had always been there, but the band wasn't the best place for it.) And if you're going to be country, your work will bear echoes of this inventor of modern country music. Williams was the first to add a personal touch to his lyrics, a result of hearing a lot of blues in his youth; this innovation propelled him to the stardom which would long outlast his death at age 29. He also wrote compelling melodies to fit those lyrics, which saw his songs covered by pop artists and even rockers like Fats Domino, whose version of "Jambalaya" was the first many people heard. His small body of work is a cornerstone of American popular music, and alt-country types are still finding out how difficult such simplicity can be. Classic Sides Artist: Jimmie Rodgers Release Date: 2002 Before Hank Williams, there was Jimmie Rodgers, a Mississippian who'd been schooled in the blues and then gone on to hone a repertoire which deftly mixed them with a broad streak of sentimentality. Country's first superstar, his "blue yodel" and use of the Hawaiian steel guitar in his recordings would form a template for country that lasted until Hank Williams' innovations expanded the genre's vocabulary. Nor was it only country musicians who were influenced: Howlin' Wolf famously said that his trademark "Ah-ooo" was his failed attempt to imitate Rodgers' yodel. Rodgers' debt to black music was not only in the "floating verses" from traditional blues he used in some of his songs, but also in his famous recording session with Louis Armstrong, not to mention his friendship with the Carter Family, who were discovered at the same RCA Records audition as he was, and who also partook of black instrumental and lyrical influences. Sun Recordings Artist: Roy Orbison Roy Orbison was all about The Voice. Although his best-known songs, hits like "Running Scared" and "Crying," can be almost operatic in their tension between backing orchestra and vocal, Orbison started as something of a rockabilly, which is why these lesser-known Sun tracks make sense when we're talking about John Fogerty. It was clear that Orbison's band, the Teen Kings, weren't capable of going all the way with him, but the mixture of their enthusiastic rocking and Roy's singular voice is a model from which Fogerty could have extrapolated both Creedence and his later solo career. At a point where instrumental expertise seemed to be more highly valued than vocal prowess, Fogerty's singing could grab you by the ears and make you re-evaluate that. Like Orbison, the idea of a hook was never far from his mind, although his songwriting chops were a bit more sophisticated than "Ooby dooby, ooby dooby, doo-wah, doo-wah, doo-wah." Not that there's anything wrong with that! Author Detail: - Here author Ed Ward writes about Creedence band and their tie up with John Fogerty, his skills in crafting powerful songs –which the country reacted to immediately, his honing songwriting, singing and guitar skills that turned Creedence into one of America's top bands. Read more on different albums and enjoy the real taste with E-Music that brings in music downloads, Audio Books, mp3 downloads, etc.

The Legend Black Velvet Charles Bradley

Black Velvet performances cloaks the original Father of Soul, His hair due that shines and the tuxedoes that gleams in the eyes of his audience, Charles Bradley, Black Velvet spices up his audience; His objectives was to give people more than they expected, in my observation of Black Velvet a spiritual human being, but strong in his beliefs, the mile stone he over came, the blessings of a hero has come full force, in my synopsis of Charles Bradley a mentor, who he truly believed in, became the greatness of his loyalties and impressions of the Father Soul James brown, when performing he grabs for the audience attention to praise his first love, the all mighty God, in interviewing Mr. Bradley who I have known for a few years, have stated his goal was to "give people more than what they came for, Black Velvet in my personal opinion is the rebirth of James Brown, not only is he the rebirth, but the testimony that faith shall over ride fear. Charles Bradley met the God Father of Soul when he was a teenager, in this obtrude of his survival, he kept hope alive, and made his fears and bad times a great legacy, he got too say fair well in the image of his hero he truly admired, Black Velvet caught the media’s attention, his voice captured many peoples attention, it was as the God Father entered his body, and came back alive, his audience continue to embrace the living reprisal of the God Father of Soul.

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Want to listen to free online music and watch free videos? Well then check out The Music Age! The Music Age is a social gathering place for music lovers all over the world where the content for the site is contributed by the entire online community. However listening to free music online is just the beginning. At The Music Age, you can bookmark all of your favorite content. You can also bookmark your favorite artists, pictures, videos and songs even share your bookmarks with other people. At The Music Age you can share your playlists, pictures and videos with your friends and family via the web. You can browse The Music Age for member’s who share common interests. All while you get to listen to free online music! Find all your favorite artists new albums, songs, pictures, and links to websites concerning your artists. Everything you are looking for can be found on The Music Age. Get songs from community members and they can get songs from you. Listen to free online music favorites that will soon become your own. There are free videos, footage of interviews, and pictures of your favorite artists available here for your viewing pleasure. Links are also available to keep you up to date on the latest news about your favorite artist appearances and concert dates. You can post upcoming events happening in your area on The Music Age. TMA has pioneered a cell phone (MOBILE) technology that allows users to email their music, videos, and pictures directly from their phone by emailing to This will allow "Live" content to be shared between TMA users 24-7. The Music Age has everything you could want! The videos are superb quality. Music industry news and blogs are a great way to keep others informed about news and gossip. You will never be without the industry information you need. Make The Music Age all yours uniquely. Listen to free online music and share it with your friends. Do you like to blog? Here you can blog all you want about music and let visitors listen to free online music you’ve uploaded. Blog about your favorites or review newly released songs and albums. No matter what you’re craving, a plethora of musical styles await. Pop, R&B, indie, rap, neo soul, and reggae are just some of the genres you will find on The Music Age. The Music Age is definitely a place where you can listen to free online music and videos, blog and submit articles about them and have a good time while you’re doing it. Not only that but you can showcase your musical talents to the world. The Music Age is a great place to be. Come listen and see what the rest of society is experiencing.

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This would come as a SHOCK to investors and "Googlers" alike who both profit and benefit from the use of the World's largest and most powerful search engine which receives far in excess of 100 MILLION unique daily visitors and well over 300 million individual searches daily - making it perhaps the single most valuable public data resource as an "information bank" online the world over.
But is the rumor true or false?
The origin of the rumor occurred when some savvy Internet marketers began making statements that they had heard "insiders' talk" that the company (now publicly traded since April 30, 2004, just over 3 years ago) may face financial disaster with the release of a "new system" that would allow advertisers to get their otherwise pay-per-click (PPC) advertising completely free.
This, of course, would naturally lead directly (like a domino- effect) to the collapse of Google's sibling program AdSense; as its only revenue comes from the direct sales of AdWords "clicks."
The "new system" in question and responsible for the controversy over getting AdWords pay-per-clicks free is that developed by Dr Jon Cohen of New York City, New York (now retired) who discovered a simple, yet effective means, for getting Google PPC ads without having to suffer the costs involved.
The retired New York doctor and native has a publicly disclosed net worth now in excess of $70 million [US], having generated well over $377 million in product sales from sixteen (16) separate online businesses within just nine (9) years since first venturing online in 1998 (about the same time as Google was founded).
It is estimated by company insiders and leading financial analysts that the "good doctor" (as he's called by "all who know him") has purportedly saved well over $93 million (some estimates suggest closer to $136 million) in otherwise paid advertising at Google and the other major players in the PPC targeted-search arena online - including Yahoo, MSN, AskJeeves,, HotBot, AltaVista, Lycos and Netscape, just to name a few.
The "secret" became available to the general masses last April, and its very release caused such a major sweeping stir among the community of Internet-marketers, affiliate-marketers, webmasters, ecommerce company owners and surfers alike that the site quickly rose to break the top most visited 1,000 websites on the entire planet briefly; and as can be seen here: (Alexa data on this!)
When asked if the "secret" would somehow ruin Google, Dr Cohen revealed almost cryptically that it actually would bring about just the opposite effect, and "stimulate" even more business volume for the virtual giant.
Many people were dismayed to find that Google itself is deliberately allowing the purchase of 100,000's of PPC ads offering the secret system to the general public -- which indicates to most observers that either they [Google] haven't caught it, or they simply feel that it somehow is not a threat to their continued operation.
For anyone's inspection factual and hard evidence supporting this can be seen by simply looking to the right-hand column when doing a search for "get google ads free" (specifically in quotation marks) at under the "Sponsored Links" section.
Or take this direct and instant SHORTCUT:
You can also see nearly 100,000 specific results in the "organic" fields index located in the center and which occupies the bulk of the results pages.
One would think that if Google felt threatened by such a release as this earth-shaking "secret" is, they would hardly allow for either paid-ads or organic content to make the top searches regarding it.
However, evidence supports to the contrary - and this being the case now for a full six (6) months.
Mysteriously, within just two (2) hours of its initial release last April, Google itself actually did in fact 'pause' the parent firm's attempts at advertising the new system using PPCs on their search engine - only, however, to release the hold after a Review Team consisting of some of Google's top executives completed performing an in-depth investigation and made the determination to ALLOW the ads to run.
The secret system was recently revised however to include "major new content" and "more exhaustive instructions," and is now available at its Home Site:
The most important addition is that of a so-called "string of code" (tech-talk for some HTML) that can be added to any webpage(s) that instantly causes the elimination of the page owner's AdWords costs right away.
Even a "live" woman spokes-representative ("Rachel") has been added to the site, and who appears to literally walk out onto the webpage and talk to visitors and explain a bit more how the mysterious new breakthrough system works.
Since the addition of this new "live" spokes-woman has now appeared at the site, company Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Mr Todd Coutrin states that "sales for the system have skyrocketed above 2,430% suddenly and with no limit in sight."
Coutrin continues: "With the newest revision now in place, plus all the additions added, affiliates for the new system can expect to earn even more than ever before!" (Note: Affiliates make up the bulk of the firm's sales generation.)
The refund rate for the new revised version of the secret (named V5.1) has dropped to less than half of what it was before the newer version's release; meaning it's now even more readily-received and put to use than ever before (perhaps in large part to the newer simplicity of application) - now making it the safest and one of the best resellers for the networks of affiliate marketers who earn their revenues from the reselling of other electronic publishers' stock and digital product lines.
When asked, Google company representatives stated matter-of-factly that the rumors of bankruptcy for the ecommerce giant are simply not true, and that the rumor millings are in fact simply the result of "panics" brought on by the usual hysteria associated with anything large, new or revolutionary - or in this case, all three.
Attempts to contact both Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the former Stanford University students who founded Google in 1998, to request comment were unsuccessful.
Again, Google itself seems to be the biggest supporter of the "new system" as it's allowing more and more advertisers to promote the new system on its search engine before over 100 million daily searches and surfers.

Marketing Online - Snail Mail Vs E-mail

The internet has given birth to electronic mail, more popularly known as e-mail. E-mail opened new avenues to the world of communication. In the beginning, e-mail was only used as another means of communicating with other people for personal or business related matters. Now people of every age group have an e-mail address. Over the past few years, its potential for marketing has been exploited to its maximum both in good and as well as bad. At the same time, who can disregard the services of direct mail which has been operating for nearly two centuries? It is still the preferred method of communication for many people.
E-mail is the cheapest method of communicating available as of now. The advantage with email is that you can send email to many people at the same time with the click of a mouse. Where as in the case of direct mails, one has to go through putting letters in envelopes for each and every person, make different address labels, mail it and also has to bear the cost of mailing. Time is money and e-mail marketing saves a lot of time.
While e-mail marketing might look easy, comparing the net results of the story is totally different. When you are marketing through e-mail, you need to make sure that you are e-mailing the right person otherwise the e-mail is going to end up in the junk folder. Also you need to be careful that you don't miss the subject or the body of the e-mail otherwise the result is going to be the same. In this age of spamming, spammers use a variety of subjects, so you have to title the subject keeping in mind that it wouldn't send your e-mail to the spam folder again. In contrast, the direct mail method gets better treatment. Studies show that direct mail is more efficient and has better success than e-mail.
First, it is not as easy to block direct mail as junk e-mail and secondly the process of blocking mail itself is not automated like e-mail. The other reason why people hate e-mail marketing is due to the constant bombarding of e-mails from spammers and illegal marketers from Nigerian money scams to porn to online prescription drugs to stock quotes to what not. In addition to that, you also get promotional offers from big companies. People have developed a negative perception about e-mail marketing and they simply delete or spam the e-mail if they do not identify it as their regular e-mail. In contrast direct mail is seen with respect and people pick through their mail as a daily routine and open them with a priority.
Direct mail has a personal feel attached to it, one of the reasons why people prefer mail greetings over an electronic greeting. It takes time to personalize a direct mail where as an e-mail is instant and the fate of e-mail is also instant i.e. immediate deletion. Researchers are constantly puzzled by the mystery surrounding why people are so enthusiastic about direct mail. But no worries this only good news for the marketers that they have something in their tool kit that works. So marketers have the mailing list of potential customers handy and send some nicely composed letters to them about your company and its products.
Snail mail has the potential of going through the hands of gatekeepers and administrative assistants before actually going to their boss which can end up being thrown in the trash. The survival chances are rare unless the subject is business oriented and has some sort of important information. But e-mail wins in this regard, as it directly reaches the person to which it is intended to go, after that its fate is left to the person whether to read or send it to spam folder.
A more scientific explanation of why direct mail is more effective than e-mail is the sensory perception of people. Direct mail uses three of the four senses of a person i.e. visual, verbal, listening and touching where as e-mail does not use the senses of listening or touching. But this can be achieved by adding appealing graphics, text reading ability and streaming audio to the e-mail.
Statistics show that direct mail has not died and in fact the volume has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few decades. A typical example is the fact that we receive more magazines, journals, mails from universities, DVDs etc. than we used to receive few years ago. This leaves the marketers with a dilemma about which method to use. The answer is simple, use email to contact only those people who you know and use direct mail for the people who don't know you.
About the Author
Terry Detty finds Credit Debt Repair and SEO Marketing - SEO Ranking Software his passion. In addition to marketing, he enjoys reading and occasionally goes out for a short walk. His latest interest is a newOnline Shopping program he's been using.

Paid Surveys Online - An easy way to make money online?

Paid surveys are being promoted as an easy way to make money online. Some ads promise you up to $250 per hour for taking paid surveys. Are they realistic? Can one really expect to earn that much money from online paid surveys? Let us find out the answers to these questions. Such advertisements are usually put up by paid survey database companies like Survey scout. They charge you for giving access to a database of market research companies, often in the range of $30 to $60. They typically have 400 to 500 survey companies in their database. Is it worth paying these companies to get access to such a database? Whatever information you get from these companies, you can get for free on the internet on many free online survey sites. Secondly, these survey database companies do not send any surveys by themselves, and you have to join each market research company in their database individually to get any surveys. In addition, most of the survey companies in their databases are good for nothing. Only about 40 to 50 survey companies are really worth joining. What does this mean? If you are planning to try online surveys, you never have to pay anyone. You can get the list of the best survey companies for free on the internet. You can join them and get started. Now let us take a closer look at on the rewards offered by paid online surveys. Survey companies can be divided into those which reward you with cash for each survey, those that give you points which can be redeemed for cash, and those which enter you into sweepstakes or prize draws. Survey companies that pay cash give $1 to $20 or more per online survey depending on many factors. This group includes many of the best survey sites like American Consumer Opinion Panel, Survey savvy, Ciao Surveys, Greenfield online (Gozing) and Pinecone Research. You can expect to get 1 to 4 surveys per month from each site. Surveys that reward you with points let you accumulate reward points which you can later redeem for cash or gifts. Some of the most reputed market research companies like Globaltestmarket, Opinion Outpost, NFO My survey and Light speed Research reward you in this way. Yet other companies enter you into draws for cash or gifts as reward for taking surveys. Although many people don't like this form of reward system, your chances of getting the prize are quite good as the pool to select the prize winners is usually small. Some good survey companies that follow this reward system are Synovate, NPD Research, NOP World (, ECN Research and Nielsen Netratings. Another important factor which determines how much you can earn from online surveys is your profile, particularly your country. Generally residents of the USA and Canada can expect to make more money from paid surveys, as there are more market research companies operating in these countries. Also they get more frequent surveys. However, participants from other countries can also hope to make some good extra money from paid online surveys. All said and done, the maximum earnings an average person can expect from doing paid surveys is not more than $200 to $300 per month. This can be a good source of extra income for some people. But the claims that paid surveys can make you rich or replace your real job are largely unfounded. Hence, it is always best to stay with free paid surveys.

Graduate Studies and Research

Graduate Thesis is a write up that talk about any specific topic. Irrespective of word limit a Graduate Thesis can be written on any topic whether it is related to science, arts or any other subject. Students are required to write Graduate Thesis on any subject by their colleges. Talking about the significance of Graduate Theses we can say that it is a device for the assessment of student’s research and writing skills, his/her critical approach along with word limit management. Graduate Thesis is said to be very important in a student’s educational life because Graduate Thesis is the first and the foremost kind of writing that students are needed to write by their schools. Or we can say that Graduate Thesis is the first step to enter into the world of writing. This is why Graduate Thesis has a central position which no body can deny. Though Graduate Theses writing is not very easy and simple; it needs practice and the students have to learn Graduate Theses writing rules and about the collection of material. A student must have a critical and analytical mind that is keen to research on any specified Graduate Thesis topic.Graduate Thesis is needed by the teachers to test student’s writing and searching skills which reflects their critical and analytical thinking. There are so many types of Graduate Thesis; it can be admission Graduate Thesis, an argumentative Graduate Thesis, critical Graduate Thesis and so on. Pre-schools Graduate Thesis are not very demanding but secondary school students must learn about the format of Graduate Thesis and how to comment on or evaluate any specific topic. The Graduate Thesis is not only judged apparently on its structure but it is evaluated throughout its language, writing style and compliance to the topic. Maki has written several good quality articles regarding theses writing aspects. Get tips on writing Graduate Theses and find more Graduate Thesis information.

Qualify Common Admission Test (CAT) to become a brand!

Conducted annually CAT or Common Admission Test has become a feat to exhibit surreal talent, much as it was during Olympiads in Greek civilization; CAT attracts the same fervour, talent and competition. And why not, the two and a half hours (for the past two years) prove seminal in any aspirant’s future course of career development. [What is CAT?] To introduce, CAT is an aptitude test conducted by the IIM, the Prima-Donna institute of India. It serves as the scrutiny parameter for over 200 renowned institutes of India for their MBA programs. It includes the six IIMs, MDI, IMT, IMI et al. The number of aspirants undertaking this test has increased exponentially. It has rose to approximately 2.3 lacs in CAT-2007 vis-à-vis around ninety thousand five years ago. Constituting of three sections namely Mathematics, English and Data Interpretation, CAT remains unpredictable at its best. The pattern of exam changes almost every time. The results are conveyed in the form of percentile that in turn decides whether candidates get calls from the institutes of their choice or not. [Importance of CAT] Although there are many other institutes nationwide that conduct their own entrance examinations, they all fail to pull as much crowd as CAT does. Symbiosis conducts SNAP, Xavier’s has XAT, NMAT takes NMAT, and of course there is MAT or Management Aptitude Test conducted by AIMA four times a year. Though MAT as an aptitude test, compared to other individual entrance tests, lends access to a wider lobby of institutes for PG courses in Business Administration, it fails to match up to the iconic glory of CAT. Apparently, as the IIMs associated with CAT offer the most handsome packages across national margins. Not to mention, CAT is counted amongst the finest in the world and the entrance ratio is stringent than even Harvard and MIT. Thus, it has become the elite group of all examinations enjoying the first mover’s advantage. The associated institutes carry higher value in the ambitious minds, which is enough to seal the fate of any examination. Besides, an introspective look at influence of CAT divulges that it affects us all. ‘How’ needs to be defined in two categories. First constitutes of the people directly involved, including the examiners, institutes, aspirants and the parents. The future maker aptitude test not only gives substantial acceleration to the career path of the chosen few, but also implicitly affects the masses as the winners emerge as leaders and the decision makers in the world economy. Prahlad Kakkar, Harsha Bhogle and Chetan Bhagat are just a few names to establish the mettle of the examination. Many more tacit pillars are erect to hold our happiness. The good news is that CAT is open to all undergraduates with no upper limit of age. July is coming your way with forms of next Common Admission Test. Keep your spirits high, set the ball rolling and check your calibre at the great battle. Wish you all the luck to succeed.

Get Bachelor degree Online

There are some of the popular online information technology bachelor degree programs. One can find more by visiting an online directory like You can select an IT program out of a host of online information technology bachelor programs enlisted in a directory. IT students can access the leading IT universities like Westwood College, DeVry University, Utah Career College , Kaplan University and Keiser UniversityOnline through and others. Bachelor Degree programs: • Information Systems Security • Web Design and Multimedia Bachelor of Science Programs: • Information Technology • Networking Technology • Software Development • Information Technology Management • Information Technology Database • Information Technology Multimedia and Animation • Information Technology Network Administration • Information Technology Programming • Information Technology Web Development Advance Start Bachelor of Science Programs: • Software Development • Information Technology Each enlisted university on a directory has separate request to information form. The students can choose a university and fill its form for drawing detailed information regarding its online information technology bachelor degree program. You will be contacted by an admission counselor after the processing of your request form. and others also give a brief introduction about the enlisted universities. You can go through that information for selecting a university before filling its request to information form. The services of an online directory like do not end here. It helps students in borrowing private student loans too. You can find private student loan application on the pages of a directory. Students are just required to fill the loan application form and leave rest of the task on the student loan providing company. They will get the required amount after their application is processed. Although there are conventional colleges conferring information technology bachelor degrees but students prefer online universities over conventional due to following factors. The online universities provide flexible learning to students. You decide your study hours and get the opportunity to earn online information technology bachelor degree in a few months. If you are unable to spare much time for study then you can extend your online information technology bachelor program to few years. The classes are arranged online in night so that students can attend them without any disturbance. You can communicate with fellow students in an online class through chat. Students get proper online guidance from Professors, whenever they require. They can ask questions to their teacher and get answers through e-mail.

web development

As with the growth of industries it was necessary to distribute the information regionally and world wide. So common platform required over which we can deploy common application from which data and application usage can be distributed. web development term is related to development of web site over World Wide Web. Web development is very vast field. This can include ecommerce business development, portal development, shopping cart development etc. Web development is pertaining to non design aspect of the web sites. Web development is of two types (i) static web page development and (ii) dynamic web page development. Day by day web development industry is going to be grow by 20 % by 2010. Big corporate giants plunged in to this business to sell their products and services to their customers to automate their business work flow. Reduced cost of web development and hosting has played tremendous role in growth of web development industry. Large companies offer contract for web development to smaller companies. There are various web development tools available to aid the development. E.g. LAMP architecture (Linux, apache, mysql, php) and Microsoft .Net development. LAMP is distributed free of charge. It has inspired many people to set up new web sites. It has fuelled up continuous growth of web development. Html is basic web page formatting language for web development. Next generation web development technologies use LAMP and Microsoft .net technologies. Data base driven and ecommerce based web sites requires use of web technologies like LAMP for Microsoft .Net technology. So many enterprises are going to be web based. They can be defined as portal. Such portals are known as social networking portal. People find and get together through online dating and matrimonial portals. Today each and every human is going to popularize his online identity though web. There are different ways to promote yourself over internet. You can create your own blog, article, press release etc. Major reasons why people creating web sites or portals: 6. Personal Identity 7. Company Identity 8. To grow domestic business world wide 9. To sell products and services 10. To made easy communication with people world wide Like above, there are other many reasons to create web sites and portals. Yes!!! but the truth is that today website is must for each and every small and large business companies. Websites today become the corporate identity for every business. Toady your business is not a business without a website.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Why Shop Online?

Have you ever driven to the store looking for the perfect shoe? You go from store to store looking at what they have to offer until you find just the right one. But when you go to the sales person and ask for one in your size they tell you that they are sold out of your size. The more this happens, the more enticing online shopping becomes. Some of the bigger traditional stores have tried online stores and come to the conclusion that they don’t work. If you check out their stores you can buy anything they could not sell in the store but not every item the store sells. The traditional Brick and Mortar edge. For store owners who depend on foot traffic to make sales the growth of online retailers is a serious threat. The local store now has to focus on its strength and hope that remains enough to win the consumer. Privacy and Security. Preying on the fear that your private information will be out there for anyone to grab and abuse is a favorite of the traditional store. However as more americans get used to online banking, booking travel arrangements, buying movie tickets and using secure websites this perceived advantage is loosing its punch. These days you are more likely to loose your privacy to a person you actually hand your credit card to than online. Interaction. The internet is said to be an interactive medium. The local store will seem to again have the advantage here since the have sales people right in front of you to answer your questions. The problem is that anyone who has ever gone to the internet before they went shopping tends to know more about what they are looking for than the sales people. A well thought out website anticipates your questions and answers them with knowledge and experience. When you go in to a store you rarely get to talk with the owner. It just is not possible for the owner to be available for every customer walking through the door. But online, the owner can be involved. Experience has taught them the questions you are going to ask about every product and they know the answer. You can be half way around the world, shopping while the store owner sleeps and he can still be answering your question because he has anticipated it. Selection. In the past, a traditional store could boast selection as a key advantage over the online store. That is far from true now. You can generally find exactly what you want on line often direct from the manufacturer or a website specializing in that particular product. Shipping. The traditional store may boast no shipping. However that depends on your point of view. You still pay for shipping when you buy from the local store, it just comes in the form of a higher price. If the item is not in stock you pay for your gas to go to and from the store to find that out. Then when the item is at the store you pay for your gas back and forth again. In most cases I find it costs me less to buy something on line and pay the shipping than it does to drive all over and come home empty handed. After driving to and from work the last thing most people want to do is get back in the car and drive more. The internet can be a cost effective way to save money as a consumer. By cutting out the need for a store, the middle man between the manufacturer and the consumer one can get a higher quality product for the same price as a similar one from your local store. The Author is a business owner with more than twenty years experience. A former Police Sgt, Pilot, Heavy Equipment Operator, Trained Mechanic that has written technical manuals and short stories. An accomplished motorcycle rider he enjoys riding the back roads of Washington on his Harley Davidson, with his wife riding copilot. Please visit Spa Covers

Online Shopping of Mobile Phones

If we see the present scenario we will find that the use of electronic gadgets is increasing. Take the simple example of mobile phones in India. The mobile phone users are increasing, if we see the present data the total number of telephones in India is crossed the 281.62 million in January 2008. And the tele-density has increased to 24.63% in January 2008. And if we see the wireless segment 8.77 million subscribers are added in Jan, 2008 and 8.11 million subscribers are added in Jan, 2007. And the total wireless subscribers reached 242.4 million now. This is large in number. And if see, Even the rickshaw pullers, vegetable sellers, auto drivers etc are carrying the mobile phone in their pocket. In India there are number of mobile phone venders like nokia mobile phones, Motorola mobile phones, reliance mobile, lg mobile, Samsung mobile phones, virgin mobile slice, Tata indicom mobiles and many more. Because of the large number of GSM and CDMA mobile phones vendors the mobile phones are now available at lower price. Every range of mobile phones is available with large number of varieties and colors. As the technology is taking new turn because of the nano technology the mobile phones are getting more and smaller, lighter, cheaper and attractive. Online Shopping The people of India are aware and they know the exact mobile phones prices in India. The use of internet makes easy to buy mobile phone at one shop. Because if you go to market to buy mobile phone there would be possibility of missing any model, color and you have to go to different shops for different vendor. It is very time consuming wastage of money. Compare to this online shopping is the far better option, and it is becoming more popular as it is comfortable, cheap, variety, options, free shipping delivery and many more benefits. There are number of Online shopping stores in India. Online shopping malls offers discount or give some gift voucher to attract there customers. is one of the best Online shopping store in India providing more best prices to there customers for mobile phones. The demand of Mobile phones is very high and it is very difficult to offer all models to there customers. But the best quality of online shopping mall is to provide there customers each and every model with all available mobile accessories.

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Working with books is the essential part of any research in any subject area. It is a common knowledge that books are in many cases the main source of information for students. Now, in the age of rapid technological development books didn't disappear from our lives, they went through the series of changes that finally created a new product - e-books - electronic version of a book. E-books are of great demand nowadays due to usage of computers and laptops in work and in studies. The main factor that defines their popularity is convenience. Many of our contemporaries can't remember the last time they took a real book in their hands, although they read a lot. E-books is a new phenomenon of our computerized age, which makes our reading comfortable and doesn't prevent us from getting useful information from books in their new version. E-books are in fact scanned versions of printed editions or documents which are created digitally. They represent an archive with the document in corresponding format (HTML version, Plain Text, Adobe Reader version, MS Reader version, eReader version etc.) Lately there has been a tendency in many universities to convert their entire libraries into digital ones by scanning all existing editions and saving them in computers. This is the best method to save old and rare editions of valuable books and to open the access to them for all who need it. The creation of e-books also contributes to the fact that the development of information is so rapid, that we simply can't fully rely on the printed sources since they often need to be considerably updated. The creation of e-book takes less time in comparison to printing; moreover, e-books can be easily copied, which separates them from the printed editions which are always limited. About the authors Inc has been in writing services field for almost five years. The Company employs a team of more than 300 highly qualified writers and editors who are proficient in their fields of knowledge. On the whole the team of Inc is versed in completing custom essays, custom research papers, custom term papers, custom admission essays, custom academic papers, compositions, book reports on marketing, management, globalization, medicine, law, philosophy, literature, history, politics, religion, science, technology, ecology, psychology, sociology, cinematography and other subjects. For more information about new custom writing services, custom essays and term papers please visit our websites or

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What Makes A Good Adult Dating Site

The Internet has changed many things in our daily lives, one of those is how we go about meeting people for dates, a very popular way to do that is to join an adult dating site, before you do that you may want to learn a few things about them and in this article we will take a look at what makes a good adult dating site. There are many different adult dating sites for online dating sites available today, if you are new to this one thing you may want to consider is joining a free membership site to start with, this will allow you to learn the ropes so to speak before you begin paying for a membership that offers more benefits. One thing many people appreciate in an online dating site is being able to locate members in an area close to where they live, although there are numerous success stories of people meeting online all around the world there are some benefits to initially meeting a partner close to you. There are different types of adult dating sites and you'll want to find your own comfort level in the type of site you join, putting your profile online is one of the first things you will want to do and it is very important in helping determine how many people will meet you. You want to be honest in the profile that you create, yet you also want to be sure and accentuate as many positives about yourself as possible, you are looking for an adult dating site that offers a broad spectrum of profiles for you to browse and is easy for you to get around in, be careful not to reveal too much of your personal information initially, you never know what type of person you're dealing with, and until you get to know someone it is important that you remain as safe as possible. One of the great things about meeting people on the Internet is you get a chance to learn more about each other in a non threatening way, this is your chance to learn about someone and whether they would be compatible to you when it comes to common interests, you do need to be careful because not all people will appeal to you, if someone is coming on too strong, and you're not comfortable with that, then it's best that you backed off at that point, no sense in feeling threatened or uneasy and you need to trust your instincts. A good adult dating site is one that's fun to be involved in, this can include such things as success stories, a chat room, picture galleries, a blog that is updated with tips, and as we said it has an easy to navigate profile site, this is a few tips on what makes a good adult dating site, you may want to join more than one until you find one that is most comfortable for you. I truly thank you for reading my article if you need any more tips or advice please visit my Blog Allison Ward

A Few Online Dating Tips That You Can Use

Busy lifestyles and having too little leisure time can account for our loneliness but websites such as give us a chance to remedy the situation. With just a few mouse clicks you can come across the profiles of many thousands of potential dates. You can browse through the profiles refining your searches to locate people within certain age groups, living in certain geographical locations and then contact those whose profiles caught your interest. Great that you have decide to try online dating; here are a few online dating tips that will help you land the date that you have always dreamed of. The first thing that you have to pay attention to is yourself. First impressions matter, so take some time off to get a make over. Get a new hair style, get yourself brand new clothes and accessories that will help you look and feel your best. If you feel you could lose some weight enroll at the local gym and workout whenever you can. When you start to look good your confidence in yourself will improve creating a positive outlook. Your nick name and the pictures of yourself that you upload in the online darting websites such as are two other things that need your attention. Create a fun and attractive nick name and upload a few good pictures of yourself. The profile is another factor that can lure potential dates to make contact with you. Sound interesting, positive and fun, it will help you attract like minded people where as if you sound negative, say bad things about your previous boyfriends/girlfriends you may turn off people more than you attract them. Another of the online dating tips that you have to pay attention to is to know what you are looking for. If you know the kind of person you will be comfortable with on a date and write it in your profile chances of getting a date you like are more. If you prefer to stay away from married dates and mention it specifically in your profile you may not have to deal with the ugly situation that may arise as a result of it. If you do not like men who smoke, drink excessively and who do drugs mention it to filter out those who do not fit the bill.

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Finding the right freelance writer to produce your revenue generating articles can take a bit of time, however, if you find one that can easily take on another regular client and the two of you work well together, then that one difficult search will turn into a lot of profitable articles.
Articles directories are a great place to put your articles so that they will make you money. By using this method, people who are interested in your product or service will see your article, view you as an expert in the subject, and will visit your website. Even if you cannot write or do not have any knowledge on the subject on which you are promoting (for example for you run an affiliate website), you can always hire a writer to do the work for you. Getting quality articles written will be expensive up front, but they will pay for themselves in no time, either through affiliate sales or selling your own services, and everything from then on is pure profit.
To find a freelance writer, you can look at various freelancing websites that will allow you to post the specification of your project and your budget.
Furthermore, since you have posted it on a free article directory, others who have affiliate websites about accounting will inevitably use your article for their website. Since they must attach your byline to it, this will bring you even more exposure for every website that re-posts your article. This because you will be benefiting of off the traffic that they get to their website.
In conclusion, the more you are willing to pay per article, the more bids you will get from quality writers who know how to entertain and inform your website visitors so that they keep coming back for more. Writers know that you will eventually make a ton of money off of each article or content piece. So although $30 or more for a 500 word article may seem like a lot, when you think about the service they are providing you and the time and effort that they put into your piece, then you will realize that it really is not a lot for that one article. If you pay for quality, you will be amazed at how much you will eventually make off of your articles.
About the Author
Interested in getting information on Personal Finance Articles ?Personal Finance- You can visit: Personal Finance Articles

The Type of Message Sent by a Professional speaker

The first message type is the verbal message. First off, your verbal message should be clear and concise. Your discussion points should be detailed and well supported by data, testimonials and perhaps even visual aids. Discussion and transition points should flow and lead your audience from point A to point B.
There are many messages that your audience picks up during the course of your presentation. They know exactly how you're feeling about the topic you present by the enthusiasm in your voice. They already make assumptions regarding your credibility as a true professional. Don't take chances and send the wrong message!
The movements you make in your speech should be planned or at least controlled by you. Any movement that is not planned could potentially be distracting. Many of the above mentioned mannerisms stem from being nervous about being on stage. Additionally, they could also come just because you don't know you are doing them. Either way, you'll need to minimize and eliminate as many of these movements as possible.
Work on feeling comfortable with delivering your speech. You should feel natural as you speak about your topic. You should feel like you are sharing information with a long time friend. This will come when you've spent many hours practicing, reworking and revising your speech. This will also come because you speak from your heart and let others know the way you feel about your subject.
You can also review your video tapes for place in your speech that you need to add body movements into your presentation that will make it more interesting. Let your movements show the way you feel. These movements should be natural and can work in your favor as you emphasize specific points in your presentation.
One of the most important factors in having a successful presentation is serving the needs of your audience. Going back to the idea that you need to leave your audience with something of value, caring for your audience's needs doesn't require perfection. You can make mistakes with speaking and it's going to be okay. The projector equipment can fail and it's still going to be okay. You don't have to include humor in order to be a success. With that in mind, real perfection is more like being successful at reaching your audience.
Your whole goal as a professional speaker is to leave your audience with something of value. This means creating a solid bond between your audience and your material. This means you think about the needs of your audience. Give your audience something of value today!
About the Author
The board of education and education guidelines is accessed by visiting this website education information guide.

The One-Two Knockout Of Effective Copywriting

When looking for tips on effective copywriting this technique is so powerful and impressive It's not even amusing.
Make certain to understand this concept, because it's one of the strategies that will drive many more sales, and help your copywriting and your credibility.
What is this "One-Two knockout" that will deliver many more sales? Here's what's required:
1. A claim so ludicrous it is unheard of
2. Positive. Proof that the claim is 100% truthful
Sounds uncomplicated doesn't it? Well here's the how and why...
This formula is most efficient when applied at the very beginning of your sales copy.
You need your headline to make a claim that's so pretentious that it sounds like an out and out lie.
The more preposterous it seems, the more effective it will be The prospect ought to be saying, "Yeah right, what a bunch of BS" in the back of their mind. That is how substantial you want the claim to be.
Now after making the claim (in your headline for this Good example) you need to show the substantial proof that your claim is truthful. It's best performed via a testimonial, or a scientific study, a bonus check, whatever it may be that shows the solid proof of what you claimed.
The proof you demonstrate ought to be as detailed as possible regarding the claim.
There should be no doubt in the customers mind at all that the claim was hyped in anyway what so ever.
Here is a good example of this:
How to quickly and effortlessly erupt your profits by up to 867% by unearthing secret "insider only" tactics!
"I simply used the tactics outlined by Jane Doe, exactly how she said to. It took no effort at all and within weeks my profits where up 867%!!!!" - Jane Doe
Now that is a rough example, and by no means the only use of this powerful technique. But I think you get the point. In that I claimed that the prospect could "quickly and easily" increase their profits by up to 867%.
Then right afterwards... I give proof that it can be done. Now this has power over the prospects mind well beyond getting them to read more of the copy.
It actually makes them more likely to believe everything you tell them from now on without questioning a single thing!
After you construct a very audacious claim and prove yourself correct every claim you make is presumed just as correct.
I am not supposing you should put in fictitious claims later on in your copy, not at all!
But, this will allow for you to make additional claims without being forced to show proof that they're true.
This saves time (space) in your sales copy for more significant and effective copywriting Skills to shine through... This method is so compelling it is difficult to describe!!!
You ought to try and use it as early on as possible in your sales copy (that's why the
headline is the most effective place) since it makes the rest of your copy more effective on persuading the prospect.
Having said that, feel free to use it in every part of your sales letter for maximum
effect, if you can use it several times, immediately after making outrageous claims, you will condition the reader to accepting every word you write to be true, to be accurate, and to be full of credibility. What more could you want?
But you must always back up your claims with solid social proof to make your copy effective. And believable
About the Author
Want to learn more about effective copywriting and claim you free guide, visit
Kenny Edwards operates niche websites focusing on copywriting, List building, and Traffic generation.
grab your free "10 steps to killer web copy" today and start profiting

home cleaning

mahe Spring is coming, and it's finally time to dust off the old patio furniture and put it out on the back patio! Your perennial flowers are just about to bloom, and the grass is showing how green it can be. The cherry blossoms shed pink all over your yard, and the snowcrab tree makes the ground white like fresh snow. You clean out the gutters and spray down the roof, and think, "Maybe this year we'll re-paint the house?" and mark it down on the tremendous "To-Do" list for spring. Maybe you'll get to it, maybe you won't. After you wash the house with the hose, you may decide it doesn't need it. But looking back at the old, early-80s-yellow plastic patio furniture, you wonder, "Did I like this when I bought it?" the formica table has a crack in the top near the umbrella hole that's you actually remember happening, four years ago now, when Uncle Marty tried to use the table as an oration stand. It's been so long now, that there's dirt in the crack that won't come off. The woven plastic chairs sag, and the metal spring joints are rusty and squeak when you sit in them. It actually looks really bad next to the rest of your fresh, green garden and healthy, flowering trees. Looking at the patio set, you think, "You know, I should just dump this junk in the trash." It's something you've said to yourself for about 5 years now, ever since your sister came over and pointed out how the table is nearly beige on the top but goldenrod around the edges. "This year" you tell yourself, "This year I'll finally do it!" and you don't even set up the umbrella this year. You call the garbage service and let them know there'll be large items to pick up this week, and you set it out on the front lawn with a sign, "Free or Trash" taped on the side. You can retire 12 Months from today with a $4000 monthly income guarantee, we do all the work for you, while you get paid!

Computer Network Installation

Computer network installation has become an essential prerequisite for any efficient modern-day business as it allows employees to truly work as a team by sharing information, accessing the same database and staying in touch constantly. For a computer network to give the best results, a lot of detailed planning and foresight is required before installation. Firstly, an organization needs to clearly define its requirements – how many people would use the network, how many would use it locally (within the office) and how many might require remote access (from a different location), how many computers and other devices (servers, printers, scanners) would be connected to the network, what are the needs of the various departments and who would be in charge of running/managing the network. It also helps if one can anticipate the direction the company would take in the near future so potential growth can be factored in during computer network installation. The technology issues should also be ironed out in advance – hardware, software, servers, switches, back-up devices, cables and network operating systems. Make sure you have the required licenses to run the software on all your machines before installing a computer network. Alongside computer network installation should proceed the building of a dedicated technical support staff, either within your own organization or outside consultants? Delegate responsibility clearly for network management. Before installing the network, you also need to choose the security mechanism to protect corporate data and keep viruses at bay. The transition to a new or upgraded computer network can bring some teething problems. To minimize chances of confusion, the company might need to train its staff to make them familiar with the new system. Careful planning will to a large extent prevent crises like system downtime and network crashes.

GPS system

Most people in technologically advanced areas of the world today recognize what the initials GPS stand for. They stand for Global Positioning Satellite system or GPS systems. More and more this technology is becoming a part of our everyday lives and finding its way into more and more of our electronic devices. GPS systems can now be found in everything from cell phones to laptop computers to vehicles for navigation or other tracking purposes. Originally developed by the United States defense department as a military application, the technology in recent years has been opened up to commercial development. Many practical uses for GPS systems have been developed for the commercial marketplace. The first commercial GPS systems were developed as stand alone handheld devices which have become very popular with people who spend a lot of time in an outdoor environment such as hunters, hikers and campers as a means for keeping from becoming lost in unfamiliar territories. Because GPS systems are in constant communication with a series of satellites which circle the earth, someone in an unfamiliar outdoor environment has the ability to determine exactly where they are at any time. They have also become very popular with groups of people who use them to stage treasure hunts. Someone or group will hide some sort of object and challenge others to find what has been hidden through the use of clues to find it using GPS systems to determine the location of what was hidden. GPS systems have become extremely popular as a vehicle accessory for means of navigation instead of having to deal with paper maps. Many vehicle manufacturers now include at least the option of having GPS systems as an accessory on new cars. With a GPS system installed, all a person has to do is to input an address and the GPS systems can determine through communication with the satellite system and preprogrammed map data, what the most direct route is between where the user is and the desired location and then display that on a view screen. There are other GPS systems for vehicle use which can track the movement of vehicles and relay that information to a remote location such as a cell phone or computer. These systems can be used as a notifier if a vehicle is stolen, to help locate and recover the vehicle, to monitor vehicle speeds, to monitor the driving habits of young drivers, to monitor vehicle usage by company employees, to monitor engine usage hours on construction equipment or any kind of equipment where maintainance is based on engine hours run or as an emergency means of helping locate a missing person based on tracking movement of their vehicle. The possibilities are almost endless. GPS systems are finding their way into more and more of our electronic devices. They can be found in newer laptops to help with recovery if the computer is stolen, they are in newer cellphones, and PDA's. You can find them in some high end stereo equipment, vehicles, law enforcement uses them to monitor criminals who are out in the community on release programs, and there are GPS systems which can be worn by children like a wristwatch, attached to their clothing or carried with them like a cell phone as a means of locating them in case they go missing. Imagination is the only limit to what GPS systems can be used for. GPS systems and technology are here to stay and becoming more and more commonplace and less expensive all the time as the technology is advanced and mass produced in the marketplace. Any technology such as this that makes our lives easier or safer or more productive will always gain widespread acceptance and usage in everyday life.

Friday, August 8, 2008

IT software consulting companies

The word Web and IT Solution covers main aspects of internet services from web hosting to designing/development and optimizing a website for an organization. For your business to flourish online it is essential that its web presence is perfectly reflected through the various web services. In today’s world of e-business, IT software consulting companies enables you to concentrate on your core business activities. You can also relax on major administrative and technological issues and lower your operational cost. Bananame IT solutions provide vast range of quality web based solutions to achieve your online business targets. We have a brilliant and experienced group of project managers, Web Developers, designer and QA team to assist you through all stages of the project life cycle and help you till the completion of the project. Our professionals undertake extensive discussion with clients/customers to provide quality IT software services and solutions that are custom-made to suit the needs of the client/customer. Our IT solutions are far-sighted, innovative and technology driven providing reliable and successful IT software consulting services and solutions. Our solutions not only help you make critical decisions on your IT requirements but also define a road map to achieve it, thereby ensuring that the key initiatives are delivered effectively. Bananame IT Solutions services includes: • Web Development • E Business • Content Management Solutions (CMS) • Integrated Solutions • Web standards & accessibility • Web Design • E Marketing • Analysis • Reporting • Banner Management • 3D Animation • Web Hosting & Maintenance • Flash Animation • CD Replication & Printing

Java Developers

Article:: At Aegis , we offer you the chance of a lifetime for permanently hiring from our extensive resource of experienced Java software professionals for the benefit of successfully developing and maintaining your business projects. All our Java Developers are well qualified with excellent communication and analytical skills and with considerable experience in their respective areas of expertise. Developers are equipped with high end Workstations with the latest software and tools installed for constancy in their work. All communication channels like MSN, Yahoo, AOL, and SKYPE are available with the developers for easier transfer of information & communication during projects. Why Aegis: Continuous commitment to Java platform since the foundation of our company, which makes us the best choice of an expert in Java development and integration solutions. A motivated team with a strong technical background and commitment to excellence, which ensures efficient work and delivery of high-quality software. We undertake projects both large and small and tailor the solution to meet the budget and the deadlines. Java has many advantages, not least of which is that there are many open source projects that provide industrial-strength foundations on which to build cost-effective solutions. our Java expertise was complemented by a broad range of experience. Today we operate in a spectrum of sectors and are able to bring a depth of knowledge to all our projects. We offer Dedicated Development Services & Consultancy on Java Platform. At Aegis we have pool of Expertise to get any size Big or Small Java application done. As the leading international provider of Java software technology in India we are committed for best services and solutions on Java Platform. Technologies and Tool we work On: Java EE, Java SE, JNI, EJB, JPA, XML, Spring, Hibernate, TopLink, OSGi Apache Axis, Codehous xFire JSP, Servlets, JSF, Struts, WebWork, Ajax, JavaScript, XHTML Swing, SWT Oracle, DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, SAPDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, FireBird, Derby, Hypersonic PL/SQL, Transact-SQL, Oracle Forms ERwin Data Modeler, BPwin, PowerDesigner 6.0—12.0 IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Ant, Maven, Cruise Control, TeamCity, Hudson JUnit, TestNG, Emma, Clover, Selenium Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Weblogic, WebSphere, Orion, Resin, Oracle Application Server Qualifications of our Java Developers 4-year college degree in computer science or 3 Years Masters Degree Software Development Life Cycle Experience Extensive exposure to JAVA, J2EE, J2ME JBoss, Tomcat, Apache, IBM Web sphere, Oracle Application Server, Struts, Beans, EJB, Ant XML, Web Services, XSLT J2ME, Xlet, Java Foundation Profile, Java CDC Role of our Java developer: Analysis Design Maintenance Testing Implementation Support For Hiring our Java Team as a dedicated Developers - Contact Us at OR, Hire our Java Developer for just 1500 US $ Per month