Make Money

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

One Month In Internet Marketing

I am writing this article today because I am at my one month anniversary for my home-based business!! I am excited about this day because I know that I have learned and have accomplished so much!! I have also become a really excellent typer! Having a home-based business is a really fun because you really never know what the day is going to bring!! After my one month I have met soo many nice people and I am a member of a lot of different forums. I have been learning soo much about advertising as well as what types of affiliate programs are worth joining or not. I think one of the things that I do regret, is that I did join a few too many programs at one time. In a sense, I am picking berries from a lot of different baskets. I never decided to have a home-based business to get rich quick. I was told that this would not happen, and that most home-based businesses fail. I do not want to believe that statistic at all because I believe that many people give up.. do not fail when they do not see immediate results! I will not give up and I will not fail. I love this business and will support anyone who wants to join me in one of the most exciting professions in the world! Michelle Tukachinsky

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