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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mace Hot Walkers

My little sister loves to jog. You can imagine how devastated she was when she heard that a couple joggers had been accosted in our town. She didn’t feel like she could safely jog anymore. But she didn’t want to give up jogging either. She’s an independent kind of girl, so the thought of some pervert controlling her life really made her mad. A gun was out of the question. She didn’t like them. She didn’t think she’d be able to manage one while jogging anyway. What could she do? I love my sis and wanted her to be safe. I offered to come over each night to jog with her. That didn’t go over well at all! I mentioned her problem to a friend of mine. She said she had these things that looked like weights but were actually pepper spray canisters. She got them at They’re called Mace Hot Walkers. They were made for walkers and runners. An attacker wouldn’t know they weren’t weights until he got a face full of pepper spray! I bought some immediately and took them to my sister’s apartment. She loved them. They were easy to use—just push the button on the top! She started jogging with them immediately. She got to keep jogging. She also kept her independence. And I’m happy she’s safe!

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