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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How to stop smoking easily, quickly and effectively?

Are you one who is addicted to smoking but want to quit it? This article is for you. Keep reading it. Arguably the most critical aspect to succeed in quit smoking is your determination. Once you’ve determined to give up this habit, everything will be easy to tackle. After that it’s time to find tips and methods to quit smoking and the variety of resources and support available to you. You may find some of the tips on how to quit smoking given below useful. Tips to Quit Smoking • Have faith in yourself. Be confident that you can quit smoking. Be determined and promise to yourself. To have such determination, believe that you have such guts and willpower to quit smoking. • Write a plan for quitting according to your nature and way of doing things. • Make a list on why you want to quit smoking. Notice which desires and factors inspire you most: Health factor --live longer, feel better; to enhance look and personality; for your family; to save money etc. • Seek support from family members and friends; let them know that you are going to stop smoking from a certain date. • Talk to your doctor about your decision and ask for guidance about side effects of quitting it and other likely circumstances. • Start some exercise regimen. As exercise is incompatible with smoking, it will help you relieve stress as well as helping your body to recover from damages caused by smoking. • Do meditation or deep breathing exercise daily. Such breathing exercise will help you to reduce stress, enhance working of lungs and other organs, and divert your mind from smoking. • Self visualization: Visualizing yourself as a non-smoker is one of the most powerful technique to reprogram your subconscious mind. • Quit smoking completely at once. Instead of trying to quit smoking slowly, as quitting slowing doesn’t work in most of the cases; quit it completely at once. • Drink minimum of 2-3liters of water. It will help detoxify your body by flushing out nicotine and other chemicals from your body. • Learn what triggers your urge for smoking--such as stress, when wake up, the end of a meal, entering a bar, arrival at work etc. It’s very critical to avoid such triggers. • Find some replacements. Things to hold in your mouth, such as chewing gums etc. Now that you are determined enough, if you follow these quit smoking tips with that determination, you shall definitely quit it. Good luck!

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