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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tips for Passing CA Examination

by member of caclubindia
The path to becoming a Chartered Accountant is not easy. The road is very difficult and involves a lot of hard work. I remember the time when I was aspiring to be a Chartered Accountant. Looking at the volume of studies, I often wondered whether I would ever be able to complete it all in time! Well from my experience, I think that if you focus on your study with single-minded devotion, then nothing can stop you from succeeding. Each one must learn from past mistakes. For those who could not get through previous exam, don't lose hope. Instead, take an honest look at yourself. You must accept that there has to something wrong in your approach towards the exam. Identify your shortcomings and overcome them. There is no one common reason for failure. All I can do is provide some basic hints that might help you secure good marks. There is no shortcut to success. And there is no substitute to hard work. But hard work must be in the right direction in order to yield the fruits of success. The study material and suggested answers published by the Institute are of high quality and should be read thoroughly. But, it is very important to take note of subsequent amendments, if any. For example, the relevant section could have changed; or the Accounting Standard in question could have been revised. The CA exams require high quality answers. Unnecessarily lengthy answers will be a definite minus point. Combine length with actual content for best results. Here are a few tips that will help you achieve your aim:
· Learn to strike a balance between work and play. Study very seriously but allot sometime for any leisure activity that makes you feel relaxed.
· Aim for a rank. That way you will at least get through with good marks.
· Remember hard work always yields good results.
· Start your preparations from Day One.
· Plan out your study methodology well in advance and stick to your plans. Keep enough time for unexpected time delays.
· Read the study materials in entirety. Don't leave out any portion.
· Concentrate on the subjects that you find difficult.
· Make notes that will help you to quickly cover the vast syllabus on the day before the exam.
· Make writing a habit. And write legibly.
· Get enough practice in practical subjects.
· Don't learn the study material word-by-word. Instead try to understand what you read. This will help you in answering any type of question that is asked in the exam.
· Don't expect a specific format of the question paper. A professional exam of such calibre. Just keep in mind the marks allotted to each subject - because that's what will not change.
· Presentation is what matters most. Present your answers in a neat and systematic manner. Remember, the easier it is for the examiner to read your answers, the more marks you get.
· Read a lot of related material like newspapers, periodicals, magazines, etc so that your knowledge is updated. This will help you get better marks in the exam.

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